Buckminster Fullerene
To download a pdf file of building instructions, click here. view of the finished BuckyBall model![]() Ozpod Pty Ltd supplies Zome System to educators, children, specialty retailers, scientific institutions, and experimental users in Australia. |
site mapdownload a pdf file of instructionsAlthough the most famous of fullerenes, the BuckyBall has many cousins. Scientists have discovered hundreds of combinations of these interlocking pentagon/hexagon formations such as: BuckyBabies - spheroid carbon molecules containing fewer than 60 carbon atoms; FuzzyBalls - BuckyBalls with 60 hydrogen atoms attached; Giant Fullerenes - fullerenes containing hundreds of carbon atoms; Nanotubes (or BuckyTubes) - tubes of carbon created by passing an electric current between graphite rods; DopeyBalls - BuckyBalls which are doped with metal; HairyBalls - BuckyBalls that have split tubes hanging from their bodies, which could potentially be very useful in HIV research. Science series |
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