zome site map

Getting started

Which kit is right for me?
The most popular introductory kit and projects
Start with these Building Tips
three tips to make great models

Teaching with Zome

Teaching with Zome System
information for teachers
Lesson Plans
activites for primary and secondary students, download pdf files to view or print with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Zome System kits
for school and home

Building with Zome

Building with Zome System
examples of constuctions and pictures of a rocket
Zome structures
download pdf files of building instructions
Making Bubbles
Have you seen a square bubble?

Science series

DNA double helix
Discover the mystery of the blueprint of life.
Crazy Bubbles
Bubbles are minimum surfaces, but when they are stretched between Zome struts, they take on amazing shapes.
Discover the most exciting molecule known to mankind.

Download pdf files

Lesson Plans
activites for primary and secondary students
Making Bubbles
Have you seen a square bubble?
Zome structures
building instructions for icosahedron, dodecahedron, squashed fractal icosahedron and more


Zome Geometry
by George W. Hart and Henri Picciotto, to be used with the Advanced Mathematics Creator Kit including the green lines. 264 pages of exploration and education for secondary students.
Geodesic Dome
by Borin Van Loon, a book for children with cut out models.
by Jacqueline Barber, combine fun and intense enjoyment with an exploration of important concepts in chemistry and physics through imaginative experiments with soap bubbles.
Constructing The Universe
by Michael Schneider, a comprehensive guide to the patterns that recur through the universe and underlie human affairs.
Sacred Geometry
by Robert Lawlor

secure online ordering of Zome kits

zome components

Lesson plans are available online to view or print with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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